SJSU's Curriculum Management Software
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What is Curriculum (formerly Curriculog)?
Curriculum is SJSU's paperless curriculum management system that automates the process of curriculum approval, helping colleges and universities to approve course and program changes and improve communication about the curriculum across campus. The system was used since Fall 2018.
Access to Curriculum
You are currently viewing Curriculum as a guest. Please login by clicking “Login” at the top right corner of your screen. ALL SJSU community members with a SJSU email address and SJSU ID have access to Curriculum. If you are a committee member or in an approval role and do not have the right roles assigned to your account, please contact curriculum@sjsu.edu.
Training for Curriculum
For Curriculum one-on-one training or department training or access to the CANVAS Curriculum Training Course please contact the Curriculum and Academic Program Analyst via curriculum@sjsu.edu.
Curriculum Procedures: Curriculum Website
The Curriculum website includes detailed information about requirements for different types of curriculum proposals.
No curricular change, and new degree or concentration, may be publicized before final approval. There are legal implications
Curriculum Deadlines: Curriculum Deadlines Wesbite
Lead times for new courses and degree changes to appear in the Schedule of Classes or be reflected in the University's Online Academic Catalog are longer than most anticipate.
Curriculum Office
The Curriculum Office, which includes representatives from College of Graduate Studies and Undergraduate Education Office, can assist you with planning to help you meet the various committee meeting deadlines.
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Listed below are the symbols and colors utilized in Curriculum:
- = has not made a decision
- = approved
- = rejected
- = held
- = suspended
- = cancelled
- = multiple decisions
- = task
- = mine
- = stuck
- = urgent, out of date import source
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could not be approved